Or should it be whose responsible?
Or should it be whose responsible?
What happened in Connecticut, USA is an event (or an outcome) whole of humankind needs to take note of. Our hearts and minds weep for the parents, those innocent little children and their teachers. In a world where making war is an accepted reality, thoughts of peace in a child’s or a youngster’s mind is a far cry. Let this be a definite wake-up call for our leaders in all spheres!
Young minds are warped with violence presented as heroic acts in most of the popular media. Cartoons and computer games kids play are full of violence,’ dog- eat- dog’ type competition and money is made to be God. I recently changed a kids T-shirt which had on its back the words “Money is Everything” by inserting a NOT in front of the word everything.
Access to weapons even by children
is a sad reality not only in the ghettoes and war-torn areas, but also in areas
where the rich and educated live. Dominance over others by imposing force is
considered fair by those who claim to be defenders of human rights and
What all this tells us is that we need to have a relook at the way in which we do things. I mean the very basics, like education, values, communication etc. We do not need to think of doomsday but these will be sure signs of doom for humankind if we go on ignoring them or justifying them with our complicated theories and concepts. I am reminded and recall the song that makes a call for a second coming and a saner world by the Indian duo Colonial Cousins, ‘Krishna ni Vandani’.
What all this tells us is that we need to have a relook at the way in which we do things. I mean the very basics, like education, values, communication etc. We do not need to think of doomsday but these will be sure signs of doom for humankind if we go on ignoring them or justifying them with our complicated theories and concepts. I am reminded and recall the song that makes a call for a second coming and a saner world by the Indian duo Colonial Cousins, ‘Krishna ni Vandani’.
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and mass shootings in the USA :
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